The Amazing World of Si Hart

Amazing insights into my mind as I battle against the inefficient world of the library, moderate a message board, write Doctor Who audio adventures and try and stay sane!

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Free Dinners!

What an unexpectedly busy week this is turning into. The original plan was devote ourselves to The Daleks Masterplan this week, but we've got as far as Day of Armageddon and ground to a halt! There's been a Christmas Do (mine) and a Fest (Steve's) which took out the weekend. The Fest was probably more successful than my Christmas do, but 1 less successful one out of the 7 I've been too with the library ladies isn't bad really. Everyone was just a bit subdued this year which was a shame, and I don't think I was really in the mood sadly. Hey ho.

Tuesday night was spent putting up the Christmas Decs, so we're looking nicely festive now with all our trees... There's a couple you know! I also began the long process of writing all the Christmas cards. It always takes a while as I like to write a little something in each one just to make me feel better really- it makes each one personal doesn't it? A little effort is always worthwhile. We haven't actually posted them yet (or The Avengers DVDs we sold at the weekend) but the thought was there!

Yesterday I got two meals from my parents! Mum took me out for lunch and we had a god chat. She was really open about things with me, which was nice, but worrying because I can see that some of the news will make the rest of the family very cross really, but I was pelased she felt able to trust me with it. She has been very distant the last few months and I hope this is a turning point. Dad then took us all out for dinner in the evening. That was great! I had my second Christmas meal (I love Christmas pudding you know!) and there was a pleasent atmosphere./ I was pelased to see my brther and Steve chatting away together about books and music and things. I hope Laura is ok today having her wisdom teeth out.

And the long process of writinbg story 3 has begun! It was so exciting yestreday getting emails with ideas and knocking the beginnings of a plot into shape. There's some good ideas in there and I'm I think we can really make it work. Rather wonderfully me and Si had similar ideas for one of the settings, which made things easy. It helps that that year is one I know quite a lot about, so we should be able to make it pretty accurate- and the music will be good!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Free dinners = good

*reads rest of post*
Well after a visit from me, who'd want to party any more :)

Glad your mum's putting in a bit of relationship spadework finally.

9:37 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hurrah! I've enjoyed the e-mail ideas batting back and forth as well Si!


3:10 pm  

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