It's true to say that Doctor Who fans never agree on anything. This week has seen the release of Genesis of the Daleks on DVD. Fans tend to get themselves twisted in knots about the extras we get on the DVDs. Doctor Who fans are far luckily than most, as each release gets as many extras as can be crammed on the disc, a full restoration and commentary... there aren't many archive series's that get that kind of treatment.
Anyway, I have to say we rather enjoyed the DVD really. It's a bit of a favourite (it was growing up listening to the LP version that did it) and the documentaries seemed very enjoyable. I don't know what it was about Roy Skelton's guide to doing Dalek voices, but they seem to have really annoyed some people. We loved them! They're silly and probably not essential, but there was something really nice about seeing how he approached some of the classic lines in the story. Ah well, no fan is ever truly happy... I mean i could carp on about how they've never beaten The Leisure Hive as an all round great DVD, but I won't for now!
I had a lovely day yesterday. Mum rang at lunchtime and invited me over for lunch. She had Annabel for the afternoon, so there was a good oppotunity to spend some time with her. She's getting to the interesting age now where she's paying attention to all that's going on around her. She recognises us, and gives us huge grins when she sees us and she turns round when we say her name and she loves playing with her baby gym.
We were joined later by Vic and Luke, and so I spent an hour playing trains with Luke (the same Duplo set my brother loved when he was young!) and reading him Mr Men stories (the same books I was read and read to Jonathan!), which is always fun. They're both great kids and it's good to spend time with them.
Current number of lengths swam each Wednesday: 40
Current Music: Belle and Sebastian: Acts of the Apostles pt II
Current number of Support Staff in the Basement: 1 (me!)
A GotD DVD you say? A guide to Dalek voices you say? If I hadn't blown this months DVD budget it'd be on must buy list! No one rants like good old Dave Ross.
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