The Amazing World of Si Hart

Amazing insights into my mind as I battle against the inefficient world of the library, moderate a message board, write Doctor Who audio adventures and try and stay sane!

Friday, March 24, 2006

More about the training morning!

Due to popular demand, I present more great things that happened during our training morning. Firstly, as reported the morning began with the director of our department telling us just how lucky we are to not have libraries closing down in the Borough, and then to remind us how committed the council is to keeping it's permanent staff. So all those poor casual workers, who filled in at a moments notice over the last few years are now out in the cold... actually nothing has been said to them about the lack of work, after a couple of high profile settlements made through the union/ tribunals recently... they're afraid more might sue them! At least this guy had an interesting voice.
Next up our beloved head of service, who, in a green jacket at least one size too big for her, told us how great it is that we are having these meetings (failing to mention how she'd disbanded them a few years back) and that it's a real step forward for the service, like the restructure. She told us of all the great things that have happened in the library service in the last ten years (no mention of anything controversial, of course) and then invited us in groups of 6 to plan her strategy for the next 10 years by getting us into groups to come up with good ideas. Our team was full of useful ideas... they'll never happen.

After tea and banter and yawns, the local councillor with special responsibility for libraries came to tell us about his recent trip to see the new library just built in... can you guess... I bet you can't... I bet you best guess isn't even close... yes... SINGAPORE! He went to visit the new national library in Singapore. It's on 5 floors you know! He failed to tell us anything vaguelly useful about it, like how they issue books, do archiving, how many visitors it gets a year, but he did tell us how he got to go out for lunch with the head of the library, who wouldn't let him pay. He even had a photo or two to show us from his visit. Of course, he went on tell us, at length, there wasn't really much that this had in common with the Borough's libraries... oh really? I am shocked!
He couldn't hold his audience, he droned rather than spoke and his hair was badly dyed...
The head of the service natuarlly thought he was superb and thanked him for his informative talk. Compared to the information she passes to her staff, it was full of detail.
Oh yes, a fun morning was had by all!

I just feel sorry for the people who made the effort to come in specially for it... they won't be doing that next time.

Current Music: Queen: Killer Queen
Current Book: Doctor Who: Fear Itself by Nick Wallace
Current Supreme Commander: Servalan


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Love that intro "Think yourselves lucky to have a job". Sheesh. Welcome back to the 1960/80s.

*reads rest of post* *rofl* Oh dear, sounds like all the high flying group open/strategy/awayday meetings I've been stuck in - we'll do you thinking for you, and then the Man (usually a woman) picks the ones she was going to use anyway. I'm well out of those where I am at the moment!

As for the overseas trip - did you ask for the council tax back? Come to think of it - he sounds like Mayor Quimby from the Simpsons.

6:47 pm  

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