The Amazing World of Si Hart

Amazing insights into my mind as I battle against the inefficient world of the library, moderate a message board, write Doctor Who audio adventures and try and stay sane!

Thursday, October 11, 2007


"I never could get the hang of Thursdays"
Thursdays are odd days. It's possibly our quietest day at Birch Hill, and even this morning's sunshine (after the thick early morning fog) didn't bring them out today. Ah well. It wasn't really for the best today, as my poor member of staff (not naming names) needed some distraction. In what's turning into one of those weeks, she came in this morning and after I'd asked her if everything was OK after her husband crashed the car, she burst into tears. Turns out the crashed car brought several things to a head and her husband is leaving her. Oh my! They always seemed so well suited and so happy too, so it really did come out of nowhere. I gave her a hug and suddenly people were ringing the bell because we were a minute or two late opening up. You don't get a moment's grace when it comes to opening up.

So she looked distracted all morning, as you would do really. She put up a new display, which took her most of the morning, and I tried to keep her as occupied as possible. It's difficult to know what to do for the best in these situations- but hopefully I did OK. As her manager I assured her, I'd do all I could to help her and as a friend, I promised her if she needed someone to talk to, I was there. What more can you do.

There's been a children's survey this week. It's going well I think, we're certainly hitting most of the quota, which is good. I think we're getting good feedback too, which is always good. Latest issue stats show we're improving month on month at Great Hollands, and the Birch Hill stats are variable, but high in general. Hooray! Something good on Thursday.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well done Si! I'm sure the hugs and reassuring words were appreciated!


11:54 am  

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