It seems my attempts to sleep in during my week off are going to be forever thwarted. Monday I had to get up to go to the library for the first of my focus groups for the dissertation. Yesterday was looking good until Steve woke me up to make me write a cheque for the mortgage, which we'd forgotten to do the night before and this morning, just after 7am, the sky was a light with lightening, thunder crashed and the rain poured down really hard. Unusually, once the worst of the storm had passed I did fall asleep again, and got out of bed at 9.30, so it wasn't all bad.
I'm feeling pretty good really, despite that, as my two focus groups have gone really well. Whether it was a just a good mix of people or that I actually chose to ask the right questions I don't know, but I've come away with lots of really good material. It was unfortunate that my attempts to record them seem to have gone awry and I've got blank tapes (and I checked and tested them beforehand), but the notes I sat and made after each one are nicely comprehensive and it does save me the laborious task of transcribing the interviews, which I wasn't looking forward to. Now all I've got to do is start pulling the material apart and making some ordered sense of it all... Easy huh?
When I spoke to my tutor on Monday morning, she seemed to think I was doing really well, and I think I am. I've done nearly 9000 words on the background to the topic: introduction, context, aims, lit review and methodology, and I've got the initial results of the questionnaires sorted out and graphs/ pie charts done (good old Excel... Steve helped with that bit, I'm not an expert!). I've even been enjoying it...
Well, the new companion has been announced, Freema Aygeman, playing Martha Jones. She looks good and she was one of the few good things in the Crossroads revamp of 2003. Si said she looked right in the photos with David Tennant and I have to agree... We're going to be ok!
Interestingly, it seems she's not going to be introduced in the Christmas Special... rumours are already starting that we'll have a Sarah and K9 adventure, or perhaps the Brigadier... I'd happily take either of them! We'll see!
Current Book: Bernard Cornwell: Lords of the North
Current Music: Elliott Smith: Twilight
Current Doctor Who: The Girl in the Fireplace (still don't think it's great!)
Surely the Brigadier is now some drooling fool in a home for the terminally bewildered? What an adventure that would make: Lethbridge Almostdead...
I'm surprised you don't use direct debit to pay your mortgage - surely easier if you don't have to think about it each month!
There are long and cpomplicated reasons why the mortgage doesn't go out on Direct Debit. In an ideal world, it would, but this one isn't always ideal!
As for thw Brig, well who can say. While Nick Coutney is alive, sane and able to sign autographs for fans, we all still cling to the hpope that we might see him in the show once again, but I think it's unlikely...
Oh you'll see him - once that bloke who plastices corpses gets through with him...with no dimminuation of acting skill ;)
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